Monday, March 2, 2015

♥ EVENT: La Vie En Rose ! ♥

After months and months waiting for it, last week-end was finally the LVER WEEK-END!!
My dear friend Roxane was staying at my place from Wednesday till Sunday morning. 
I have to say I was so happy to have her at home, it's been so long since the last time we saw each other and it was so fun to get ready for the event together !! 
Saturday began around 5:00am. Yes, pretty harsh. Since we were helping French Café and SFE to set up the booths and all and my place is opposite the venue, we had to get up very early !!

Speaking about the venue, l'Hotel du Collectioneur was so pretty !! ♥ 
I wish I could go back there anytime! When discovering the hotel for the first time on the day of the rehearsals I was so amazed by the place ! 

Once we arrived to the hotel, we left our belongings in the staff room and started helping ! 
My favorite part was setting-up the Syrup booth ! ♥ 
So many adorable things, and already deciding on what to buy (spoiler alert: all the things I bought during LVER are from Syrup). 
Ayumi Watanabe  finally showed up, I was so happy to see her in person! I introduced myself as a model for the upcoming fashion show and she recognized me. She seemed happy, so was I !  


Those kawaii-stripper-hooker-glitter shoes ! 

People started arriving to the event, 
I was so impress to see so many pretty people in such a pretty place !


Behold some Triple*Fortune perfection! Babi and Kaie were so kind! ♥
I'm so happy I go a chance to met them!

I took so many pictures of all the pretty stalls, I wish I could buy everything !  

So much stress during the first part of the event, I was about to hit the catwalk for the very first time soon !! Here is a video of the whole fashion show !!

Roxane took this picture during the fashion show !! (Thank you so much ♥ ) I was soooo nervous but beyond happy to represent a brand I love ! Here is some quick outfit picture Paulina, Anastassia and I took in the backstage, after the show !

Roxane was waiting for me near the backstage door. We went outside to have our lunch and went back inside quickly, just in time for Babi's talkshow !! The only pictures I have of the talkshow are all blurry so no pictures, sorry ...

Pictures of pretty people ! ♥ I wish I took more pictures, 
Still, here are some pictures !

Vief and Ann-So ♥ 
Too much perfection !! 

I was so happy to meet (and hug) my dear Rosalynn again ♥


Much lovu-lovu ♥
Beautiful Marie, Chieko, Lison &  Roxane 


With Mathilde-my-beloved-valentine and Roxane ♥ 
I stole those two pictures from Chung Hee Jee (one of the official photographers of the event), 
please take a look at his work ! 

Outfit details!

JSK : Angelic Pretty
Blouse : Angelic Pretty
Tights : Offbrand
Socks : Angelic Pretty
Shoes : Bodyline 
Accessories : Angelic Pretty, Offbrand and handmade

Getting ready for the second fashion show, we couldn't sat nearer the stage !! 
Time for the second fashion show! Behold Triple*Fortune and Baby perfection!

After that was time for the raffle and I got lucky!! 
I won a cute flower headdress by Miss Danger and a lovely foulard by Baba Studio ♥
There was so many pretty things to win ! 

But sadly, after the raffle was almost time to say goodbye until next time. SFE and French Café gathered on the stage to say a few words and announce the group picture !
Now it's my time to say a few words...
Thank you for this marvelous event, thank you so much !!
To everyone who organised, helped or attended to La Vie En Rose ♥
I had a wonderful day, much love on you !! ♥

Final group picture by Julien Chantôme

My blog post about the Btssb tea party is coming soon, 
plus an haul/loot and instax post !! 

See you soon and 
take care until next time ♥ 


  1. Uuh tant de mignonnitude ! Et tant d'amour dans cet article !
    J'adore tes photos <3 Est-ce que tu voudrais bien que l'on te pique quelques photos que tu as prises des stands pour les mettre sur le Flickr de SFE ? Il nous en manque cruellement ;w; On mettrait un lien vers ton blog et tout et tout, évidemment.

      Oh merci beaucoup, et ce serait avec plaisir !

  2. That looks like such a wonderful event. Everything and everyone looked so pretty ^_^

    - Sarah

    1. The event WAS wonderful!
      I can't wait for the next one ♥

  3. Tes photos sont vraiment chouettes ! Surtout les close up des stands, je n'avais pas encore bien pu voir ce qu'ils proposaient alors merci à toi. Je regrette de ne pas être venue, ça avait l'air tellement bien !

    1. Oh merci ! Et encore, je n'ai pas pris tous les stands en photos.
      Il y avait tellement de belles choses !!

  4. Much love for you <3 et merci pour le kokoro rectificateur 8D

    1. Love love ! <3 Ha mais de rien! D'ailleurs, tu veux les photos ?
